Transcendental Progression
A journey of self-discovery for healing, growing and re-connecting with Higher Self.
We all can fly into the great adventure of life!
Introduction: Getting to know the components of your Whole Self. The principles of shifting consciousness and programming. The practises of Deep Listening, Meditation and Transposition Dialoguing.
Harmonising your team of four Faculties
Body: your physical body, possessions, physical health, activities and interactions. Emotion: your emotional being, experiencing, expression and interaction. Mind: your intellect, reasoning, thinking processes and mental interactions. Psyche: your extra-sensory perceptions and interactions.
Working with the Faculties helps clarify their respective qualities, strengths and weaknesses and promotes internal harmonisation, healing and development. We address personal issues such as anxiety, depression, insecurity, confusion, being stuck, etc. We explore Dynamics such as Proportional Development, Boundaries, Limits, Principles of Energies, Interactive Dynamics, Assertiveness and Needs. We also use worksheets and you learn practises such as Deep Listening, Transposition Dialogue and Holistic Meditation.
Integrating your Ego Roles
Ego is made up of your personal Ego-Roles, the Ego family. You are helped to work with and integrate your personal Ego-Roles such as for
example the inner child, the parent, the lover, the employee, the friend, the
victim, the hero, and many others.
Worksheets help identify your Ego Roles. Transposition Dialogues are used for setting ways forward for positive developments as well as for dealing with and releasing issues and for healing old wounds. It is a very personal experience of being seen, heard, understood and validated. You access your Ego Roles' qualities and develop communication skills, which enhance all relationships. You get to see and understand yourself and others better and bring about changes by clearing and healing conflicts, negotiating compromises and developing good living. Subjects such as Programming, Change, Relationship, Love and the Heart Centre,
Polarisation and Integration, Projection and
Transference are explored.
Re-connecting with your Higher Self
By working with your Faculties and Ego Roles, you come to experience a clearer awareness of your Core Self and on to Higher Self. This journey re-connects you with your Essential Being , reveals your individual place and purpose in the world and links you to everything you truly are and to all of creation. Learning to access Higher Self changes your perspectives, allowing you to transform the quality of your living and to access your natural spirituality.
Exploring Consciousness, Awareness, Transcendence, Cause and Effect, Divinity and Spirituality open the opportunity for you to pursue a spiritual path.
"It is bench-mark material." Mr. B.Allen.
"Transcendental Progression is amazing!" Mr. A. Akdogu
"This book is filled with personal discovery. Astonishing and eye-opening. As teacher, I also use it in class. One of my own students calls it a door to our own heaven." Mr. M. Galeano
Diploma Graduate
"Transcendental Progression is an elegantly simple guide to self-discovery. The approach has given me unequivocal insight into inter and intro personal relating. It has equipped me with effective techniques to continue my journey of self-improvement and integration and to help others too." Miss R. Whittemore BA
Workshop participant
"The work we did and the learning proved helpful in my personal and professional life." Reverend. R. Redding
"Transcendental Progression has been personally transformational and has also impacted my creative work as painter." Mr. K. Wallace
"The map of the Whole-Self" describes this book so well; it really addresses the important parts and networks of Self and has encouraged me to open up to discover a whole new world." Mr. T. Lehmuspelto M.Sc.(Tech.)
Therapy clients
"It Really Works!" Mrs. A. G.
"Therapy with Transcendental Progression has actually helped me find the solutions and also to resolve my problems. I found it different and more effective than the counselling I had before." Mr. D. C.
Self-development clients
"I have used what you taught me and feel a much better person." Miss J. Heaven "I’m so glad I came to you. I have learnt a lot from your wise words." Miss S. Heaven